Clear Space teams with Tapsations

Article published in the Cape Gazette April 6, 2012 Page 60

Clear Space teams with Tapsations for Arts Institute performance May 2, 2012

... Button also directs the staging for the Broadway Legends class, which will perform the hits of "42nd Street" at 11 a.m., Wednesday, May 2. Now in its third semester, this class has nearly doubled in size and is a true crowdpleaser in the final performance, filling the Clear Space Theatre to capacity with  udience members.

This group of students age 50 and over rehearses once a week for 10 weeks, focusing on the music of one classic Broadway show. Adding a special touch to the Broadway Legends performance this semester will be The Tapsations, a senior tap dance group based in Lewes. The dancers will lend their choreography to several numbers in the performance of this classic tap-happy musical.

"As soon as I decided on '42nd Street' for this spring, I knew that everyone would expect tap dancing, and dancing is not the reason people sign up for this class!" says Button. "Since our area is fortunate enough to have this wonderful group of tappers, who just happen to be seniors, The Tapsations add the element of dance to the show and maintain the aesthetic of keeping this a class for the 50-plus community."

For more information about Clear Space Theatre Company's Arts Institute classes, go to

